
Acoustic experience with Zilplex Resonant Devices

If you want substantial improvement of your acoustics, go for Zilplex. This will bring your audio experience to a higher level. Zilplex adaptation is a sophisticated system which makes your audio sound sensational. Zilplex resonators are designed to reduce room resonance. The timbres of the existing system do not change, while improving the acoustics of your room. Zilplex cleans the total frequency spectrum around you. And as a result the reproduction of music and speech intelligibility in a room will significantly improve. Music is experienced as in a concert hall with a fascinating liveliness floating around you. All this achieved by a very small but very ingenious sytem.

The package

Bass unit

Ceiling unit

Ceiling and Mid-high unit

You will be suprised when you integrate Zilplex with your audiosystem. Zilplex also can be used for improving the acoustic in general. It’s a small investment for a big improvement and gives you the ultimate sound and space experience! Zilplex will astonish you.

All our Zilplex units are handmade. There are three different elements, Bass unit, Mid-high unit, Ceiling unit.
The benefits of the Zilplex system are:
- It gives a relaxing rest in space. (relaxed atmosphere)
- Soundstage width and height increased.
- Improved depth image containing more details.
- Instruments and voices are vivid and realistic, with a real timbre.
- Walls disappear.
- Music is experienced as in a concert hall with a fascinating liveliness floating around you.

A complete set consists of 7 x mid high unit, 3 x bass unit, 1 x ceiling unit, packed in a wooden box.
These 11 units in the whole are sufficient for every room, from small to large.
Dimensions for all plexiglass units are 25 x 25 x 8 mm. Size of the silver half bowl is 16 mm, and are used on all units.
The cross section of the metal triangle support of the Bass unit is a few mm larger than the mid-high unit, and the diameter is 0.2 mm thicker.
All units have a coordinated height from plexiglass to the right-angled metal triangle is 4.2 mm.
The ceiling unit metal triangle is also adjusted to 4.2 mm from the connection unit.

When selling directly from us, you have two weeks to try it.
If you are not satisfied, just let us know and you will receive the purchase amount back.
Sending costs back is for the user.

For instruction of the installation of the zilplex bowls download the manual. If you like to download our brochure click here.

You can also read the manual here

Read the manual here


The Zilplex cables


Pricelist on request, we can send it to you
as a PDFfile, just send us an email.

For more information about Zilplex cables contact us!

The Zilplex cable line

The Zilplex cable line is fully certified silver wire. Outer sheath is of a customized Teflon modification.
Silver WBT Nextgen Cinch-XLR Furutech–DIN Phono Furutech-IeGO Dreamworks Pure Silver/Rhodium plating IEC & Schuko Pure Tellurium Copper/Rhodium.

Listening room 1
Ypsilon Electronics Aelius - Ypsilon PST 100 MKll - Ypsilon VPS 100 - Ypsilon MC 16 - Transrotor Tourbillon - SME 5 -
Van den Hul Colibri Gold and Platina - Zilplex cabling - Zilplex acoustic adaptation- speakers are Wilson-audio Sasha.

Listening room 2
Ypsilon Electronics Aelius- Zilplex cabling -Zilplex acoustic adaptation speakers are Tidal-audio Contriva Diacera.
CD players Ypsilon CDT 100 with the Digital-to-analog converters DAC 100 or the DAC 1000 for both rooms.

Ypsilon Electronics equipment with Zilplex cabling and the Zilplex acoustics elements can be heard by appointment in our show room.