zilplex nieuws


Zilplex has developed a new product, The Zilplex cable line, read more on the zilplex productpage.

Quotes of reviews

"I certainly will not be without the Zilplexes in my rooms and thereby nominate them as a Most Wanted Component for 2011!
"This all is wonderful, and makes the future look promising."

Read below some reviews of Ziplex!


I certainly will not be without the Zilplexes in my rooms and thereby nominate them as a Most Wanted Component for 2011! Wiebe Greydanus of Zilplex no doubt has put many hours of experimentation into the Zilplexes, and it is quite audible. I would strongly suggest closely following his instruction at least as a first effort.

Read the full article at: Stereo Times

I like the idea that there seem to be increasing confidence on the fact that resonators can improve the sound. That means that more and more audiophiles take room tuning with resonators seriously, and also find an increasing number of resonator models to do so. This all is wonderful, and makes the future look promising.

Read the full article at: Inner Magazines


Only Dutch PDF-version available. Download it here.

Bill Callahans Apocalypse macht ohne Zilplex absolut keinen Spaß mehr, nachdem ich sie vorher mit gehört habe. Diese Tiefenstaffelung und Farbigkeit der Instrumente ist schon begeisternd. Oder Live-Aufnahmen: Eva Cassidy befindet sich auf Live At Blues Alley plötzlich in einem glaubhaften Raum.

Read the full article at: HIFI statement.